
More grey skies and drizzle here… According to the weather folks it’ll be like this for some time.

I figure by the end of the week I’ll be sprouting mushrooms.

Let’s see… Something vaguely interesting, or at least informative, about my day yesterday…

I had dinner at an “all you can pack down your gullet and still waddle out of the store” place called “Ryan’s” last night with Dan. It’s amazing to watch Dan eat… He’s on some high protein diet and therefore doesn’t eat bread or other carbohydrate rich food and instead eats pretty much nothing but steak. Lot’s of steak.

I have the unfortunate ability to go weeks on a single McMuffin, so I just don’t eat all that much. Last night I had to stretch out three small tacos and some green beans while Dan packed away several fried fish, porterhouse steaks, a chicken breast, and desert consisting of ice-cream, pie(sans crust), and some sort of cherry based cobbler thing…

See, Dan takes us, Zeze and I, out to dinner at least once a week. It’s kind of a “dinner and a meeting” thing as opposed to “dinner and a movie”.

Last week’s “dinner and a meeting” choice was a steak place called “Damon’s”; I had some soup and a small sandwich, Zeze had a small steak and potato plate, and Dan had a 24 ounce prime rib followed by a 14 ounce house steak covered in gorgonzola cheese and pepper corns.

Yes, going to dinner with Dan is an adventure.

Other than that there just isn’t much to report from here in redneckville…

359 days to go…