The good old days…

… of 2020.

I decided to get out of the house for a bit and get some fast food for lunch / dinner, and the place of choice was Taco Bell… Mostly because I happen to like Taco Bell and it’s always been a cheap place to eat when I’m suffering from terminal belt tightening.

The good news is they’ve brought back the “volcano” menu items, which is always nice to see. “Volcano” stuff is the same as other menu things like “Doritos locos tacos” and “beefy 5-layer burritos”, but with some added spicy cheese sauce. And I happen to like spicy stuff.

The bad news is two tacos for lunch, a burrito for dinner, and a soda cost as much as going to an actual sit down and get waited on Mexican restaurant…

At least the diablo sauce is still free

For comparison, here’s the menu from 2020:

If we add $0.10 to each of the food items for a tablespoon of spicy cheese sauce, today’s $12.36 before tax trip to Taco Bell, back in 2020, would have been $8.36 before tax (two $1.99 tacos, a $2.39 burrito, and a $1.99 drink)… Which is a roughly 33% percent increase in just 3 years.

And that’s not considering the tax increases between 2020 and 2023.

So, yeah. Looks like I won’t be going to Taco Bell again any time soon… I can go to a nice local place like Three Margaritas for that price.

Listening to "Stranger Synths" by Marvel83'