
So, back on the 24th I had a tussle with some food poisoning which landed me on antibiotics for ten days. Antibiotics tend to make me woozy and slightly ill, so I don’t get much sleep.

On the 30th my roommate had a guest show up for a week which precluded me from getting any rest. See, I’m a really light sleeper, and having new people in the house making noise more or less keeps me up all night. I was also at the office every day so that my roommate could entertain his guest.

Then Monday the 6th my roommate had a colonoscopy appointment where they insisted on him having a chaperone who stayed in the building for the duration, so I got to spend half the day wandering around the local hospital.

Tuesday the doctor called my roommate and said he was suddenly scheduled for surgery, and to be at the local hospital by noon tomorrow for what will be a 3-4 day stay. So, I’m taking a half-day tomorrow to deliver my roommate to the hospital.

And I expect to be running back and forth as a courier until Monday when they let him out again, and I don’t expect he’ll be in any condition for work next week.

So, maybe by the 20th of this month I’ll get a chance to unwind a bit… Maybe I’ll take the entire week of the 20th off and just sleep… Well, and eat some turkey and ham too. 🙂

Listening to "The Spirit of Radio" by Rush