2001-2002 (Connecticut)

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Starting in July Zeze and I built a new wireless network to connect the various dormitories and resident student houses on the grounds of the school. We also built a new Apple-based computer lab as well as install Apple ‘eMac’ systems in the common areas of the various houses and dorms.

We wrapped up just before the school year started, and having seen me in action with both the computers and the students, Steve offered me a teaching position for the 2001-2002 school year. I accepted.

September arrived, and I was teaching high school comp-sci to a class of 15 students… Zeze and I were also in charge of the senior’s wing of St. John’s; we took our meals at the school’s cafeteria, worked with the students after hours to help with both school and personal problems, and in-general became ‘dorm parents’.

And then September 11th happened.

The end of November finally rolled around and so did the end of the first term for the 2001-2002 year.

On December 6th I turned off the DSL on the yacht; Zeze’s ex still hadn’t gotten a job and had been spending every waking moment playing Everquest – so Zeze told me to cut her off. On December 19th Zeze flew to Baltimore to gather up the stuff we still had on the yacht. Zeze returned on December 30th with their truck and jet ski.


On February 8th, 2002, I drove down to New London to spend the day walking around the Connecticut College arboretum. The last time I was there was my birthday on February 7th, 1990, so I spent the afternoon reminiscing about old friends and laser tag.

The school was having a bit of a problem with the headmistress and the politics that had put her in that position, and over the next few months there was a big shakeup in both administration and board.

On June 3rd the 2001-2002 school year had ended… I decided that teaching wasn’t for me, and there wasn’t much opportunity at the school if I wasn’t teaching, so I gave my notice. Steve gave me a couple of months pay for all of the above and beyond I’d done over the last year, and I start finding an apartment in Aurora Colorado.

Zeze sold their truck and jet ski for some quick cash on June 17th, and on Thursday June 20th I made a large backup of my laptop, threw all our crap back into the Caprice, and we hit the road the next day, Friday June 21st.