
So, back on the 24th I had a tussle with some food poisoning which landed me on antibiotics for ten days. Antibiotics tend to make me woozy and slightly ill, so I don’t get much sleep. On the 30th my roommate had a guest show up for a week which…

Massively Multiplayer

Over the years I’ve played a lot of MMOs, and with a couple of notable exceptions such as World of Warcraft, they’ve all become inoperable relics in my game collection. For example, I was looking for something to write about and decided on a random grab from the dead MMO…


There’s a couple of fairly up-scale apartment complexes right near my office; you know the type – one is “modern” and looks like hundreds of various colored cubes stuck together, and the other has stores on the ground level and three floors of apartments above them. I drive past one…


Back on July 4th, 2022, I put in a request for my OMPF (Official Military Personnel File), and today it showed up in my email from the National Archives. So it only took about 16 months… Not bad really! But, now I have specific dates for all of the various…

The Listeria Diet

I spent several hours at “Urgent Care” last evening for a bad bout of food poisoning, probably caused by a King Soopers salad… I try to eat healthy, but apparently the healthy food these days will try to kill you as well. Kaiser’s Urgent Care is anything but urgent, as…