
My neighbors with the gargantuan SUV, the bad air-conditioning habit, and the alter to Greta Thunberg have struck again… Apparently said neighbor saw a field mouse on their deck and put out a few kinds of poison to fix it. See, we need to protect Mother Nature as long…


So, back on the 24th I had a tussle with some food poisoning which landed me on antibiotics for ten days. Antibiotics tend to make me woozy and slightly ill, so I don’t get much sleep. On the 30th my roommate had a guest show up for a week which…

Massively Multiplayer

Over the years I’ve played a lot of MMOs, and with a couple of notable exceptions such as World of Warcraft, they’ve all become inoperable relics in my game collection. For example, I was looking for something to write about and decided on a random grab from the dead MMO…